gate-Academy: Live workshop with CogniCraft Solutions


Unlock Your Marketing Potential with AI

gate-Academy: Live workshop with Soma and Dániel from CogniCraft Solutions


Join Dániel and Soma for a hands-on workshop to gain first-hand experience with AI-driven marketing tools. Learn how to leverage AI to accelerate content creation, drive superior business outcomes, and enable your team to focus on what matters most.



Content of the training:



Use cases: Where will AI add the most value to your marketing

Case studies: What you can learn from the early birds

Tooling landscape: What are the commercially available options to pick from

Hands-on training: Try the latest AI-driven marketing tools yourself

Technical, Regulatory and Ethical Considerations: What to keep in mind for a successful implementation



Soma and Dániel support companies in integrating AI into their marketing pipelines. While doing so, they build on their extensive background in management and data consulting. Learn more about their work at


Register now and take the first step towards transforming your marketing strategy. We are looking forward to welcome you live at gate.